The fabrication of laminated steel composites by hot rolling is described. Composite sandwiches were made from martensitic stainless tool steel with an increased nitrogen content and from standard AISI 304 steel using 3 to 7 layers. The maximum strength of the martensitic steel was 1370 MPa. The composite sheets had strengths in the range 950-1200 MPa, depending on the number of layers and the proportion of the steels. A metallographic observation of the fractures revealed that the first occurrence was fracture in the martensitic steel layers, followed by deformation of the layers of tough austenitic AISI 304 steel. The notch toughness values were the highest when the notch was oriented from the sheet surface to the sheet interior. Keywords: laminated composite, steel sandwich, tension test, hot rolling, notch toughness V delu je opisana izdelava laminiranih jeklenih kompozitov z vro~im valjanjem. Kompozitni sestavi so bili narejeni iz martenzitnega nerjave~ega orodnega jekla s pove~ano vsebnostjo du{ika, in v skladu s standardom AISI 304 je bilo uporabljeno jeklo s 3 do 7 sloji. Maksimalna mo~martenzitnega jekla je bila 1370 MPa. Mo~kompozitnih slojev je bila med 950-1200 MPa, odvisno od {tevila slojev in proporcev jekla. Metalografska analiza zlomov je pokazala, da je najprej pri{lo do zloma pri slojih martenzitnega jekla, sledila je deformacija slojev te`kega avstenitnega jekla AISI 304. Vrednosti`ilavosti v zarezah so bile najvi{je, kjer je bila zareza usmerjena iz povr{ine sloja v njegovo notranjost. Klju~ne besede: laminirani kompozit, sestav jekla, napetostni preizkus, vro~e valjanje,`ilavost zareze