The chemical‐shift tensor provides an exquisitely sensitive measure of the electronic environment around a nucleus. The tensor is defined by a real symmetric 3 × 3 matrix with six measurable components. Single crystals are usually required to measure all six components whereas three shifts per nucleus are measurable in powders. These powder data, known as
principal values
, are defined as
. Presently, most 2D experiments measuring tensor data display the 1D isotropic spectrum along one axis and the tensor patterns for each resonance along the second dimension. Experiments most frequently used are two‐dimensional phase‐adjusted spinning sideband (2D PASS), phase corrected magic angle turning (PHORMAT), FIREMAT (five π replicated magic angle turning), RAI (recoupling of anistropic information), SUPER (separation of undistorted powder patterns by effortless recoupling), and CSA (chemical shift anisotropy) amplification. Very few simple relationships exist between principal values and structure, thus comparison with model structures from computational methods has become important. Recently, these computational methods have been used to predict structure in solids that are intractable to traditional methods. Tensor data have also been found to be extremely sensitive to crystal structure and can therefore be used to further refine some structures, including single crystal structures. The prospect of predicting entire crystal structures from
C tensor data and computational methods is now realistic, and a few structures have recently been determined without diffraction data.