High-quality solid-state 17 O( I=5/2) NMR spectra can be successfully obtained for paramagnetic coordination compounds in which oxygen atoms are directly bonded to the paramagnetic metal centers.For complexes containing V III (S = 1), Cu II (S = 1/2), and Mn III (S = 2) metal centers,t he 17 O isotropic paramagnetic shifts were found to span ar ange of more than 10 000 ppm. In several cases,h igh-resolution 17 O NMR spectra were recorded under very fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) conditions at 21.1 T. Quantum-chemical computations using density functional theory (DFT) qualitatively reproduced the experimental 17 Ohyperfine shift tensors.NMR signals from paramagnetic substances are generally more difficult to detect than those from diamagnetic compounds.T his is because the hyperfine interactions between magnetic dipoles of unpaired electrons and atomic nuclei are substantially stronger than the typical nuclear spin interactions such as magnetic shielding, nuclear quadrupolar,a nd dipolar couplings.A saresult, the NMR signals from paramagnetic compounds are significantly shifted and broadened compared with diamagnetic compounds.Despite experimental difficulties,s olid-state NMR studies of paramagnetic compounds can be traced back to the early NMR studies on single crystals of CuSO 4 ·5 H 2 O, [1] CuCl 2 ·H 2 O, [2] and MnF 2 . [3] In more recent years,t here have been considerable interest in solution [4] and solid-state [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] NMR studies of organic and biological systems containing paramagnetic metal ions.T o date,m ost NMR studies of paramagnetic compounds have relied on detection of 1 Ha nd 13 Cn uclei, because hydrogen and carbon atoms are generally remote from the paramagnetic metal centers,t hus experiencing relatively weak hyperfine interactions.Incontrast, as oxygen atoms are often directly bonded to the paramagnetic metal centers, 17 ONMR for paramagnetic coordination compounds is expected to be more challenging than the corresponding 1 Ha nd 13 CNMR studies.F urthermore,t he only NMR-active oxygen isotope, 17 O, has very low natural abundance (0.037 %) and its nuclear spin is quadrupolar (I = 5/2). In light of the recent advances in solid-state 17 ON MR studies of diamagnetic molecules including biological macromolecules, [17] we decided to explore the possibility of using solid-state 17 ON MR to study paramagnetic coordination compounds.Weshould note that solidstate 17 ONMR has been used previously to study ionic high T c superconductors [18] and simple paramagnetic inorganic complexes. [19] Thefocus of our study is on solid-state 17 ONMR of paramagnetic coordination complexes containing organic ligands (that is,containing H, C, N, and Oatoms).We first examined two vanadium(III) (S = 1) complexes: [V([ 17 O 2 ]acac) 3 ]a nd K 3 [V([ 17 O 4 ]oxalate) 3 ]·3 H 2 O. Synthetic details for the preparation of 17 O-labeled paramagnetic coordination compounds are given in the Supporting Information. As seen in Figure 1, the static solid-state 17 ON MR spectrum for [V([ 17...