We study single conjugated polyphenylene oligomers consisting of 3n (2 n 12) phenyl units by means of cryogenic scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The spatially resolved local densities of states reveal a progressive development of a continuous conduction band out of discrete molecular orbitals as the length of the oligomers increases. The experimental results are satisfactorily described by tight-binding calculations which gave a conduction band bandwidth of 4:5 AE 0:2 eV and a band gap of 3:1 AE 0:2 eV for an infinitely long polymer. We observed two types of defects, known as conformational torsional angle misfit and metasite kink. Tight-binding as well as density-functional theory model calculations confirm that both types of defects effectively destroy the delocalization. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.206803 PACS numbers: 73.22.Àf, 73.61.Ph, 68.37.Ef, 82.35.Cd One-dimensional (1D) conjugated polymers (CP) are both interesting scientifically and important for technological applications [1]. Theoretical descriptions of CP follow one of two routes: a delocalized band theory of solid-state physics or a localized molecular orbital approach of quantum chemistry [2][3][4]. In spite of their different perspectives, both approaches predict that the molecular orbitals of short oligomers develop progressively into a broad band in the long-length limit [5][6][7]. The bandlike features have been detected experimentally for short oligomers only [8,9]. The majority of attempts follow the so-called oligomer approach, in which the characteristics of short oligomers of increasing chain length are extrapolated to infinite polymers [10,11]. There are still significant discrepancies among different theories, as well as between theories and experimental results, and many fundamental properties of CP including bandwidth, band gap, and the influence of various structural defects, etc., are under debate [7].In particular, precise experimental determination of band structure, i.e., the energy-momentum dispersion, of CP or long oligomers has had limited successes largely due to the difficulty of growing high-purity single crystalline samples [12]. Above all, the existence of defects presents a severe challenge since defects in a 1D system can strongly alter its electronic structure [13]. Thus to be able to measure the electronic structure of a single CP whose molecular structure, including the details of defects, can be resolved simultaneously is highly desirable. Recently, Repp et al. demonstrated that scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) can provide an unprecedented view of the electronic structures of individual conjugated oligomers [14]. In this Letter we report the conductance band structures of single poly(para-phenylene) (PPP) oligomers determined by cryogenic (5 K) STM. We examine the energy-momentum dispersion of the PPP oligomers of up to 16 nm in length (36 phenyl units) and derive the conduction band bandwidth, energy gap, and the effective mass of charge carriers. Furthermore, we demonstrate and discuss how...