This interesting article [1] includes measurements of the size distribution, average radius , and volume fraction f of globular Mg 2 Si particles in this Al-Mg-Si alloy vs duration of homogenization treatment for up to 7 days at 590 °C. The authors conclude, on the basis of regression analysis, that the results show a particularly strong correlation with n ϭ 3.8 in [1] where t is time at temperature and is the value of at t ϭ 0, suggesting that grain boundary diffusion (n ϭ 4) dominates volume diffusion (n ϭ 3) in the coarsening of these particles. The present purpose is to offer an alternative interpretation of these results.The experimental data at issue are presented in Table I, together with resulting values of and for each value of t, taking at t ϭ 0. These results give mean K values of 3.6 Ϯ 0.4 ϫ 10 Ϫ20 m 3 /s for volume diffusion and 8.3 Ϯ 0.7 ϫ 10 Ϫ25 m 4 /s for grain boundary diffusion control. Table II presents corresponding values of K predicted from the LSW [2,3] and Kirchner [4] models, respectively:and [3] where C ∞ is solid solubility of the controlling solute; D and DЈ are its diffusivities in the matrix and along grain boundaries; w is grain boundary width; ␥ is dispersoid/matrix interfacial energy; ⍀ is the volume per mol of dispersoid containing one atom of controlling solute; R is the gas constant; T is the temperature (here 863 K); A ϭ (2/3-m ϩ m 3 /3), where m is half the ratio of grain boundary energy to particle/matrix interfacial energy; and B ϭ 0.5 ln (1/f ), where f is the average area fraction occupied by a particle on the grain boundary. Resulting values of K LSW and K GBD are, respectively, factors of 2 to 4 ϫ 10 3 and 3 ϫ 10 5 below their corresponding values obtained experimentally (Table I), indicating that neither solute diffusion through the ␣-Al crystal lattice nor along its grain boundaries can account for the observed rates of coarsening of Mg 2 Si in this alloy at 590 °C. A further possibility arises from the proximity of 590 °C to the solidus temperature (ϳ620 °C according to the phase diagram "typical"Table I. Results from Reference 1 for Mean Radius r vs Time t at 590 °C for Mg 2 Si Particles in 6105 Aluminum Alloy t (days) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10.0 16.6 19.8 22.2 23.6 24.1 26.3 K 1 (m 3 /s) -0.041 0.039 0.038 0.035 0.030 0.033 mean 0.036 Ϯ 0.004 m 3 /s K 2 (m 4 /s) -0.76 0.83 0.90 0.87 0.76 0.90 mean 0.83 Ϯ 0.07 m 4 /s Here, and with . r o ϭ 10 mm K 2 ϭ (r 4 Ϫ r 4 )/t K 1 ϭ (r 3 Ϫ r 3 )/t r (mm)