A. We show existence of small solitary and periodic traveling-wave solutions in Sobolev spaces H s , s > 0, to a class of nonlinear, dispersive evolution equations of the formwhere the dispersion L is a negative-order Fourier multiplier whose symbol is of KdV type at low frequencies and has integrable Fourier inverse K and the nonlinearity n is inhomogeneous, locally Lipschitz and of superlinear growth at the origin. This generalises earlier work by Ehrnström, Groves & Wahlén on a class of equations which includes Whitham's model equation for surface gravity water waves featuring the exact linear dispersion relation. Tools involve constrained variational methods, Lions' concentration-compactness principle, a strong fractional chain rule for composition operators of low relative regularity,and a cut-off argument for n which enables us to go below the typical s > 1 2 regime. We also demonstrate that these solutions are either waves of elevation or waves of depression when K is nonnegative, and provide a nonexistence result when n is too strong. Key words and phrases: solitary waves; Whitham-type equations; nonlinear dispersive equations. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 35A01; 35A15; 35Q35; 76B03; 76B15; 76B25.after integrating (1). 1 30 arXiv:1903.03354v2 [math.AP] 6 Jan 2020 2/30 S W Whitham KdV ξ = 1 − 1 6 ξ 2 KdV symbol +O ξ 4 and fig. 1, it is intuitively reasonable that Whitham's model should both perform better and on a wider range of wave numbers than the KdV equation.Unfortunately, the nonlocal, singular nature of L-due to m(ξ) 〈ξ〉 − 1 2 being inhomogeneous and decaying very slowly at infinity-seems to have prevented people from rigorously studying the Whitham equation until recently. Significant breakthrough in the last decade, however, has put the original Whitham equation, and also other full-dispersion models, in the spotlight, beginning with the existence of periodic traveling waves by Ehrnström and Kalisch [9] in 2009 and solitary-wave solutions by Ehrnström, Groves and Wahlén [8] in 2012; see also [30]. Research has furthermore confirmed Whitham's conjectures for qualitative wave breaking (bounded wave profile with unbounded slope) in finite time [16] and the existence of highest, cusp-like solutions [10, 12]-now known to also have a convex profile between the stagnation points [13].Additional analytical and numerical results for the Whitham equation include modulational instability of periodic waves [17,29], local well-posedness in Sobolev spaces H s , s > 3 2 , for both solitary and periodic initial data [7,11,19], non-uniform continuity of the data-to-solution map [1], symmetry and decay of traveling waves [3], analysis of modeling properties, dynamics and identification of scaling regimes [19], and wave-channel experiments and other numerical studies [2,5,18,32].In total, these investigations have demonstrated the potential usefulness of full-dispersion versions of traditional shallow-water models.1.2 Assumptions and main results. In this paper we contribute to the longstanding mathema...