The aim of this paper is to perform a theoretical and numerical study on the dynamics of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensation in the case where the trapping potential varies randomly in time. We take a deterministic vortex solution as an initial condition for the stochastically fluctuated Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and we observe the influence of the stochastic perturbation on the evolution. We theoretically prove that up to times of the order of ε −2 , the solution having the same symmetry properties as the vortex decomposes into the sum of a randomly modulated vortex solution and a small remainder, and we derive the equations for the modulation parameter. In addition, we show that the first order of the remainder, as ε goes to zero, converges to a Gaussian process. Finally, some numerical simulations on the dynamics of the vortex solution in the presence of noise are presented.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35Q55, 60H15.