It is shown that optical pulses with an average position accuracy beyond the standard quantum limit can be produced by adiabatically expanding an optical vector soliton followed by classical dispersion management. The proposed scheme is also capable of entangling positions of optical pulses and can potentially be used for general continuous-variable quantum-information processing. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.023902 PACS numbers: 42.65.Tg, 42.50.Dv If an optical pulse consists of N independent photons, then the uncertainty in the pulse-center position is the pulse width divided by N p , the so-called standard quantum limit [1]. The ultimate limit permissible by quantum mechanics, however, is determined by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and is smaller than the standard quantum limit by another factor of N p , resulting in a quantum-enhanced accuracy useful for positioning and clock synchronization applications [2]. To do better than the standard quantum limit, a multiphoton state with positive frequency correlations and, equivalently, negative time correlations is needed [2]. Consequently, significant theoretical [3,4] and experimental [5] efforts have been made to create such a nonclassical multiphoton state. All previous efforts were based on the phenomenon of spontaneous photon pair generation in parametric processes, limiting N to 2 only. The resultant enhancement can be regarded only as a proof of concept and is too small to be useful, considering that a large number of uncorrelated photons can easily be obtained, with a standard quantum limit orders of magnitude lower than the ultimate limit achievable by two photons. It is hence much more desirable in practice to be able to enhance the position accuracy of a large number of photons. In this Letter, for the first time to the author's knowledge, a scheme that produces a multiphoton state with positive frequency correlations among an arbitrary number of photons is proposed, thus enabling quantum position accuracy enhancement for macroscopic pulses as well. The scheme set forth therefore represents a major step forward towards the use of quantum enhancement in future positioning and clock synchronization applications.The proposed scheme exploits the quantum properties of a vector soliton, in which photons in different optical modes are bound together by the combined effects of group-velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation, and cross-phase modulation [6]. A quantum analysis shows that the average position of the photons in a vector soliton is insensitive to the optical nonlinearities and only subject to quantum dispersive spreading, while the separations among the photons is controlled by the balance between dispersion and nonlinearities. These properties are, in fact, very similar to those of scalar solitons [7,8], so the idea of adiabatically compressing scalar solitons for momentum squeezing [9] can be similarly applied to vector solitons. To produce negative time correlations, however, adiabatic soliton expansion should be performed instead. Giv...