The carbonate complexation constants of hexavalent plutonyl and uranyl ions are determined by solubility study of PuOJCOJCs) and UO^COJCs) under 100% and 1% COj atmosphere for Pu(Vl) and 100% CO2 atmosphere for U(VI). pH is varied in the ränge from 3.5 to 8 in 0.1 M NaC104 at room temperature (22±2°C). Based on the solubility products from the previous experiment, the following carbonate complexation constants are evaluated: log/S"(U02C03) = 8.93 ±0.05 log)?"(PuO,CO,) = 8.7+0.3 \ogß,,(\iO^(CO,)l-) = 15.3 ±0.2 log^"(Pu02(C03)i-) = 14.1 ±0.5 log ^,3(U02(C03)r) = 21.0±0.3 l0g/?,3(Pu0,(C03)r) = 17.8±0.2.The ion-interaction approach (Pitzer equations) is parameterized for the U(VI) system on the basis of the literature data. The present solubility data are found to be in dose agreement with calculated results based on the parameters. The same parameters appear also applicable to the Pu(VI) system for a good approximation.