ABSTRACT. The A-type Huaco granite pluton of the Velasco range (Sierras Pampeanas of northwest Argentina) is formed by three coeval granitic facies and contains subordinate coeval-to-late facies, as well as enclaves, dikes and stocks that show different temporal relations, textures and compositions. The dominant facies (Regional Porphyritic Granite; RPG) is a porphyritic two-mica monzo-to syenogranite, with abundant microcline megacrysts up to 12 cm in size. It was emplaced in a dominant extensional setting and has a mainly crustal source but with participation of a mantle-derived component. The RPG transitions towards two coeval and co-genetic granite facies, at its margins (Border Granite; BG) and around Be-pegmatites (Adjacent Porphyritic Granite; APG). These two facies have a finer-grained texture and smaller and less abundant megacrysts. They are also monzo-to syenogranites, but a slight decrease in the biotite/muscovite ratio is observed from the BG to the RPG to the APG. Trace element modeling suggests that the RPG, BG and APG differentiated from the same magma source by fractional crystallization. Temporally older mafic (ME) and felsic (FE) enclaves are common in the pluton. The ME can be considered partially assimilated remnants of a mafic component in the genesis of the RPG, whereas the FE seem to be remnants of premature aplites. Other subordinate rocks intrude the RPG and are, hence, temporally younger: felsic dikes (FD), dioritic dikes (DD) and equiganular granites (EqG) are clearly posterior, whereas coeval-to-late Be-pegmatites (BeP) and orbicular granites (OG) formed during the final stages of crystallization of the pluton. The BeP, OG and FD indicate the presence of abundant water and volatiles. The EqG form small stocks that intrude the RPG and were possibly originated from purely crustal sources. The DD probably correspond to a younger unrelated episode of mafic magmatism.
Keywords: Granitic facies, REE and LIL composition,Fractional crystallization model, Huaco granite, Velasco range, Sierras Pampeanas.RESUMEN. Estructura interna y geoquímica del plutón granítico carbonífero de Huaco, Sierra de Velasco, NW de Argentina. El Plutón Huaco, ubicado en la sierra de Velasco (en Sierras Pampeanas del noroeste de Argentina), es de afinidad granítica A y está conformado por tres facies graníticas y contiene varias rocas ígneas subordinadas, las que muestran diferentes relaciones temporales, texturas y composiciones. La facies granítica dominante (Granito Porfírico Regional; RPG) es un monzo-sienogranito de dos micas, de textura porfírica con abundantes megacristales de microclino que pueden alcanzar hasta 12 cm de longitud. Ha sido emplazado en un marco tectónico dominantemente extensional y habría tenido una fuente de origen cortical pero también con participación de componentes mantélicos. En los bordes del Plutón Huaco y envolviendo a pegmatitas de berilo contenidas en el mismo (BeP), se reconocen las facies cogenéticas BG y APG respectivamente, las cuales tienen contacto transicional con el RPG. E...