Two portions of a syntheti c hydroxyapatite (HA), Ca" OH(PO'}J, full y characte rize d by x-ray , infrared, pe trograp hi c, and c he mi cal anal yses , were heated at 1,000 °C in a ir and steam atmosp heres, respective ly. Solubility isoth erm s for th ese two sam ples in t he syste m Ca(OH}2 -H3PO, -H20 were determin ed in the pH ran ge 5 to 7 by equilibratin g th e so lids with dilute H3 PO. solutions. Both sa mples of HA dis so lved stoichiometrically. The activity produ cts (Ca+ +)'(OH -)(pO~f' and th eir standard errors-obta ined by a least squa res adju stme nt of th e meas urements (Ca and P concentration s and pH of th e saturated solutions) subj ec t to the co ndition s of e lec trone utralit y, constancy of the activit y product, a nd stoic hiometri c dissolution -we re 3.73 ± 0.5 x 10-58 for the stea m-h eated HA and 2_5, ± 0.4 x 10-55 for th e air-heated HA. Allowa nce was made in the calculations for the prese nce of the ion pairs [CaHPO. lo and [CaH2P041 + The hi gher so lubility produ ct for the air-heated HA is ascribed either to a cha nge in th e heat of formati on brou ght abo ut by pa rtial dehydration or to a state of fine subdivision res ulting from a disproportionation reac ti on_ The so lubility produ ct co nsta nt s were used to c al culate the points of inte rsection (i.e_, sin gula r points) of the two HA solubility isot herms with the isotherms of CaHPO. ·2H20 and Ca HPO.; it was found th at the pH's of the sin gul ar points for the air-heated HA were a full unit hi gher th an th ose of th e steam -heated pre paration_ Con ditions are described for th e precipitation of HA c rystals s uitabl e for so lubilit y meas ure men ts_ Key W ords: Apatite; hydroxya patite; calcium phosphates; so lub ili ty; olubilit y isoth e rm s; solubilit y product.