Analyses of the isotopic composition of S, C, 0, and H in mafic igneous rocks may provide valuable information regarding the extent of contamination by continental crust material. Partial melting and devolatilization of country rocks are important processes in the generation of many Cu -Ni deposits associated with mafic igneous rocks. Sulfur isotopes provide a means of evaluating the possibility of extraneous sulfur addition to a melt. Variability and distribution of o34g values may also provide data relating to the timing and mechanisms of sulfur production and incorporation into the melt. Oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotopes also can be sensitive indicators of isotopic contamination, whether by partial melting, devolatilization, or solid state exchange. Zones of contamination within an igneous sequence are likely to be areas where factors that control sulfide solubility (T, fS2, /°2, melt composition) have been perturbed, and are thus key sites for ore generation.Stable isotopic studies of two deposits within the Duluth Complex have highlighted the importance of country rock contamination in the generation of Cu -Ni ores. For the Dunka-Road deposit devolatilization of country rocks has resulted in essentially in situ contamination, and the formation of ore that is variable in both its spatial distribution and o34g values. Partial melting and major element contamination are restricted to areas near the margins of xenoliths. At the Babbitt deposit, contamination via both partial melting and devolatilization has been significant. Sulfur isotopic distribution between igneous and metasedimentary rocks suggests that sulfur must have been derived prior to or during magma ascent. Partial melting of country rocks and oxygen isotopic exchange may have occurred either before or after magma emplacement. Chemical diffusion, as well as fluid dynamic properties of mixing are thought to control the isotopic inhomogeneity that characterizes sulfide ore zones in the Duluth Complex.