Respiratory electron transport complexes are organized as individual entities or combined as large super-complexes (SC). The Gram-negative bacteria deploy a mitochondrial-like cytochrome (cyt) bc1 (Complex III, CIII2), and may have specific cbb3-type cyt c oxidases (Complex IV, CIV) instead of the canonical aa3-type CIV. Electron transfer between these complexes is mediated by soluble (c2) and membrane-anchored (cy) cyts. Here, we report the first structure of a bc1-cbb3 type SC (CIII2CIV, 5.2Å resolution) and three conformers of native CIII2 (3.3Å resolution) of functional relevance. The SC contains all catalytic subunits and cofactors as well as two extra transmembrane helices attributed to cyt cy and the assembly factor CcoH. The cyt cy is integral to SC, its cyt domain is mobile and conveys electrons to CIV differently than cyt c2. For the first time, this work establishes the structural characteristics of membrane-confined and membrane-external electron transport pathways of SCs in Gram-negative bacteria.