The method of modernized ion-plasma sputtering produced metastable states, including nanocrystalline and amorphous phases in films of Fe-Ag, Fe-Bi, Fe-Ag-Bi, Fe-Co-Ag and Ni-Ag alloys whose components do not mixed in the liquid state. The periods of the crystal lattices and the dimensions of the crystallites of the nonequilibrium phases in the fresh-sputtered state and after the heating are determined. The temperatures of the beginning and the end of the decomposition of metastable phases are established when heated at a constant rate. The electric and hysteretic magnetic properties of films in freshly dusted and thermally processed states are measured. The compositions and conditions for obtaining films with low values of the temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity (~ 10-5 K-1) and high coercive force (HC ~ 150 kA/m) are established. Such films can be promising for use as thin-film precision resistors and magnetic information carriers with an increased recording density.