Partial molar volumes (φ o v ) and viscosity B-coefficients for nicotinamide in (0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20) mol · dm −3 aqueous resorcinol solutions have been determined from solution density and viscosity measurements at (298.15, 308.15, and 318.15) K as a function of the concentration of nicotinamide (NA). Here the relation φ o v = a 0 + a 1 T + a 2 T 2 , has been used to describe the temperature dependence of the partial molar volume φ o v . These results and the results obtained in pure water were used to calculate the standard volumes of transfer φ o v and viscosity B-coefficients of transfer of nicotinamide from water to aqueous resorcinol solutions to study various interactions in the ternary solutions. The partial molar volume (φ o v ) and experimental slopes obtained from the Masson equation have been interpreted in terms of solute-solvent and solute-solute interactions, respectively. The viscosity data have been analyzed using the Jones-Dole equation, and the derived parameters B and A have also been interpreted in terms of solute-solvent and solute-solute interactions, respectively, in the ternary solutions.The structure making or breaking ability of nicotinamide has been discussed in terms of the sign of (δ 2 φ o v /δT 2 ) P . The activation parameters of viscous flow for the ternary solutions studied were also calculated and explained by the application of transition state theory.