S . Sankararaman et al. / Photochemical nitration of methoxybenzenes Deaminations (general procedure)Deaminations in carboxylic acids were performed with 1 mmol of .-A solution of I mmol of the amine (or amine hydrochloride) in 30 ml of water was adjusted to pH 3.5 (glass electrode) with dilute perchloric acid. A conc. aqueous solution of sodium nitrite (0.25 g) and dilute perchloric acid were then added concurrently, maintaining a pH of 3.5. Stirring was continued for 24 h at room temperature. The solution was saturated with sodium chloride and extracted with ether. The extracts were dried over MgSO, and treated with 0.1 gof lithium aluminium hydride (1 h reflux) to remove alkyl nitrites. Excess LiAlH, was hydrolyzed; the precipitate was filtered off and washed with ether. The combined filtrate and washings were dried over MgSO,, concentrated and analyzed by GC. Where appropriate, the alcohols were isolated by prep. GC and acylated with N-(trifluoroacety1)-(S)-propyl chlorideI4 (2-butanol) or with (S)-2-acetoxypropionyl chloride15 (10,14) in order to allow estimation of their enantiomeric purities by GC.amine (or amine hydrochloride) and 0.25 g of sodium nitrite in 2.5 ml of acid (24 h at room temp.). The reaction mixture was stirred with 100 ml of saturated aqueous NaHCO,, followed by extraction with ether. (Complete removal of 2-ethylhexanoic acid required several extractions with NaHCO,). The combined organic solutions were dried over MgSO,, concentrated and analyzed by GC. Peaks were assigned with the aid of authentic compounds; (crude) samples of the esters were obtained from the appropriate alcohols and acid chlorides. The ester and alcohol fractions (order of elution) were separated by HPLC with ether/hexane (I/]). Hydrolysis of the esters with 0.5 g of potassium hydroxide in 2 ml of methanol at reflux was monitored by GC. The alcohols were recovered by partitioning between water and ether. For the estimation of enantiomeric purities, diastereomeric esters were prepared and analyzed by GC (as above).Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 105, 278-285 (1986) Abstract. The direct irradiation of the charge-transfer (CT) absorption band of the 1/1 electron donor-acceptor complexes of dimethoxybenzenes with tetranitromethane leads to aromatic nitration with a high quantum yield. The analogous methoxytoluenes under the same photochemical conditions are converted in equally high yields to products of aromatic trinitromethylation. This dichotomy with different methoxybenzenes (ArH) is discussed within the context ofthe common reactive intermediates derived from the CT excitation of the complex. The subsequent interactions of the geminate fragments, i.e., [ArH ' , C(NO,), -, NO,], by radical-pair and ion-pair annihilation represent a unifying mechanism for the CT photochemistry leading to aromatic nitration and trinitromethylation.