A mathematical model for the reversible exchange of THO between the sieve tube lumen and its surrounding phloem tissue is used to explain the difference between the apparent velocities of THO and "C-sucrose transport observed when both are supplied simultaneously. Theoretically predicted results show a close correlation with those obtained experimentally. This model may be used in evaluating previous work in which THO was used as a tracer. The calculations support the existence of a mass flow of sugars in aqueous solution along the path.The selection of pressure-flow (13) as the primary mechanism for phloem translocation has been questioned on a number of mathematical and experimental grounds. First total pore area = 50% of the plate area, and a velocity of 60 cm/hr in the sieve tube (based on the distance the tracer front moves following pulse labeling), the Hagen-Poiseuille equation yields a pressure drop equivalent to 1 X 10' atm/plate. Also, the concept of zero velocity at the wall of the pore originates as a boundary condition in the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation (12). If this boundary condition is modified to assume a slippage at the wall of one-half the average velocity, a lower resistance to flow is demonstrated for the sieve plate (5 X 10-' atm/plate). Since the average sieve tube element length in beet is 200 p., the theoretical pressure drop would be approximately 5 atm/meter, assuming zero wall velocity, or 2.5 atm/meter, assuming a wall velocity of one-half the average velocity. These theoretical values lie within the range of pressure gradients found by Hammel (10) for red oak. The demonstration of bidirectional transport within the same sieve tube by Trip and Gorham (20) presents an obstacle to bulk-flow of solution. This observation requires further evaluation before its impact on the mass-flow mechanism can be realized (14).One of the most persuasive lines of evidence against mass flow is based on the observations of different velocities of movement of '4C-translocate and THO in intact systems; Gage and Aronoff (8) and Choi and Aronoff (5) failed to demonstrate simultaneous movement of THO and T-photosynthate.Biddulph and Cory (3) demonstrated a "flow" of THO, but the velocities of THO lagged significantly behind that of '4C-carbohydrate.A number of explanations can be postulated for the lower apparent velocity of THO. Trip and Gorham (21) suggested that the THO and '4C sugar must be offered simultaneously and via the same pathway to observe solution flow. Other possibilities include extensive lateral exchange, followed by "backwash" of THO due to xylem water movement towards the blade, and the inability of the feeding method to rapidly equilibrate the water-pools of the minor veins in the leaf blade with the supplied THO. In the present paper, we reconsider Horwitz's mass-flow model (11) and its value in determining the theoretical distribution of THO along a translocation path. This model, correctly used, shows an apparent velocity of THO which is less than the velocity of wa...