Recently Han and Lou [18] proposed a highly parallelizable decomposition algorithm for convex programming involving strongly convex costs. We show in this paper that their algorithm, as well as the method of multipliers [17,19,34] and the dual gradient method [8,40], are special cases of a certain multiplier method for separable convex programming. This multiplier method is similar to the alternating direction method of multipliers [10,15] but uses both Lagrangian and augmented Lagrangian functions. We also apply this method to symmetric linear complementarity problems to obtain a new class of matrix splitting algorithms. Finally, we show that this method is itself a dual application of an algorithm of Gabay [12] for finding a zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators. We give an extension of Gabay's algorithm that allows dynamic stepsizes and show that, under certain conditions, it has a linear rate of convergence. We also apply this algorithm to variational inequalities.