The study is devoted to the development of the structure of the upper-limb exoskeleton for operator's motion capture with master-slave control. The objective of the study is to develop design solutions in the field of registration of the current position of the operator's hand parts during the technological operations of the control commands formation for their accurate reproduction by the movements of the anthropomorphic manipulator links in real time. For the developed structure of the upper-limb exoskeleton, the division of the product scheme is described, the rationale for the design, the layout of kinematic pairs equipped with angular rotation sensors, and the design of the lever system that duplicates the operator's hand with its metric parameters is given. To check the efficiency of the exoskeleton design, a simulation program was used. The accuracy of the rotation angle of the exoskeleton elbow joint in the simulation model does not exceed 3.4%, shoulder joint-5.2%. The presented structure of the exoskeleton will allow to register the current positions of the operator's hand parts when performing technological operations and to form control commands for their accurate reproduction by the links of the manipulator.