This paper presents one of the most remarkable discoveries to have occurred in science with the finding of the open gate into the quantum world which occurs simultaneously with the macroscopic quantum superposition of a human life not allow multiple states of reality in it. Newton's domain therefore automatically expels any such multiple reality states into a second parallel universe called the quantum domain. Thu world are different from those in Newton's domain. For example, it allows multiple states of reality. What I do know for certain is that I would have never made it back to Newton's domain after I went into a state of macroscopic quantum superposition without the help of the sentient beings who monitor our domain and who taught me how to reverse my multiple superposition state. Further, this leads us directly to the solution of the measurement problem showing us for the fi domain. This, by revealing how such multiple states of reality can be turned into complex single classical states or composites by the merging of all of their electrons together. So, this obviou as the sentient beings now want us to know just what kind of science this is, that we are not alone, and that a whole new world has just opened up for us to be in. This paper presents one of the most remarkable discoveries to have occurred in science with the finding of the open gate into the quantum world which occurs simultaneously with the macroscopic quantum superposition of form. The reason these tw not allow multiple states of reality in it. Newton's domain therefore automatically expels any such multiple reality states into a second parallel universe called the quantum domain. Thu world are different from those in Newton's domain. For example, it allows multiple states of reality. What I do know for certain is that I would have never made it back to Newton's domain after I went into a state of roscopic quantum superposition without the help of the sentient beings who monitor our domain and who taught me how to reverse my multiple superposition state. Further, this leads us directly to the solution of the measurement problem showing us for the fi domain. This, by revealing how such multiple states of reality can be turned into complex single classical states or composites by the merging of all of their electrons together. So, this obviou as the sentient beings now want us to know just what kind of science this is, that we are not alone, and that a whole new world has just opened up for us to be in. macroscopic quantum superposition, Newton's domain, lucid mysticism, quantum theory, inter 10.14704/nq.2015.13.3.865The laws of quantum physics clearly state that macroscopic objects can go into a state of superposition and it makes no exceptions for forms, Max Planck Institute (2014). A superposition is a multiple state of reality where e macroscopic object can be observed in two different states of reality at the same time.: Ronald J. Greene Saybrook Graduate University, Relevant conflicts of interest/financial...