Three-dimensional, full core transport modeling with pin-resolved detail for reactor dynamic simulation is important for some multi-physics reactor applications. However, it can be computationally intensive due to the difficulty in maintaining accuracy while minimizing the number of time steps. A recently proposed Transient Multi-Level (TML) methodology overcomes this difficulty by use multi-level transient solvers to capture the physical phenomenal in different time domains and thus maximize the numerical accuracy and computational efficiency. One major problem with the TML method is the negative flux/precursor number density generated using large time steps for the MOC solver, which is due to the backward Euler discretization scheme. In this paper, the stability issue of backward Euler discretization is first investigated using the Point Kinetics Equations (PKEs), and the predicted maximum allowed time step for SPERT test 60 case is shown to be less than 10ms. To overcome this difficulty, linear and exponential transformations are investigated using the PKEs. The linear transformation is shown to increase the maximum time step by a factor of 2, and the exponential transformation is shown to increase the maximum time step by a factor of 5, as well as provide unconditionally stability above a specified threshold. The two sets of transformations are then applied to TML scheme in the MPACT code, and the numerical results presented show good agreement for standard, linear transformed, and exponential transformed maximum time step between the EPKE model and the MPACT whole core transport solution for three different cases, including a pin cell case, a 3D SPERT assembly case and a row of assemblies ("striped assembly case") from the SPERT model. Finally, the successful whole transient execution of the stripe assembly case shows the ability of the exponential transformation method to use 10ms and 20ms time steps, which all failed using the standard method.