Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology is used prevalently for constructing different integrated circuits in microprocessors, microcontrollers, static RAM, image sensors, data converters, and highly integrated transceivers in various types of communications. [1] An ambipolar thin-film transistor (TFT) provides both electron and hole conduction in a single TFT, which is a unique choice for high-density CMOS fabrication. [2] In addition to this CMOS fabrication, ambipolar charge transport of TFTs is widely used for developing lightemitting transistors, [3] flash memories, [4] and artificial synaptic emulation. [5] To date, most reported thin-film ambipolar transistors have been fabricated by using small organic molecule and polymer semiconductors. [6,7] However, the main difficulties of these organic small-molecule/polymerbased TFTs are their low carrier mobility and poor atmospheric stability for electron transport. [2] In contrast, low-cost solutionprocessed metal-oxide-semiconductors exhibit relatively excellent environmental stability and higher carrier mobility. Moreover, the operating voltage of metaloxide TFTs can be reduced to 2.0 V by using a high-κ gate dielectric, such as Ta 2 O 5 , [7] ZrO 2 ,or [8] HfO x. [9] Therefore, it is of utmost importance to develop highperformance, low-operating-voltage, oxide ambipolar TFTs by a solution-processed technique. To date, ion-conducting oxide dielectrics show the best performance in lowering the operating voltage of oxide TFTs due to their high capacitance value, which originates from the mobile ion of the dielectric thin film. [10,11] However, the main obstacle is to find out a high-performance hole transport metal-oxide-semiconductor. [12] So far, SnO and SnO 2 have shown some potential. [13] Similar to various metaloxide-semiconductors, tin oxide (SnO 2) is commonly found as an n-type semiconductor. However, the p-type SnO 2 could be formed by introducing a hole carrier in its valence band. Until now, there are two established methods to achieve this hole transport phenomenon in SnO 2 semiconductors. One of them is performed by creating Sn vacancies, which can introduce a hole carrier to the valence band of SnO 2 , commonly attained by controlled sputtering method deposition. [14] The other way is by chemical doping with group IIIA elements such as indium (In) and gallium (Ga), which can occupy an Sn site in the SnO 2 lattice. [15] Based on those earlier reports, we have fabricated a SnO 2 TFT by choosing LiInO 2 and LiGaO 2 as ion-conducting oxide dielectrics, which can dope In and Ga atoms, respectively, to the interfacial layer of SnO 2. To identify the differences, we have also chosen Li 2 ZnO 2 as a third ionic dielectric containing a divalent Zn atom, which is unable to introduce holes in SnO 2. A comparative electrical characterization shows a clear n-channel