“…In the absence of the coordinates and of the experimental structural constraints, we may ascribe the differences between the present structure and that previously reported (Qi et al, 1996) as simply due to the better structure refinement of the present one. Indeed, after running PROCHECK (Laskowski et al, 1993) on the solution structure of reduced hh cyt c (Qi et al, 1994) deposited in the Protein Data Bank, very similar secondary structure elements are observed for the two solution structures. The 5-14, 49-55, 60-68, 91-103 R-helices and a 70-74 3 10 -helix are observed in the reduced protein, which compare to the R-helices 2-7, 9-14, 49-54, 60-69, 89-102 and the 3 10 helix 70-74 of the present structure.…”