• The VWF D9 domains are flexibly tethered entities projecting outside antiparallel dimers of the VWF D3 domain.
• Extensive interactionsbetween the VWF D9 domain and primarily the FVIII C1 domain mediate VWF-FVIII association.Binding to the von Willebrand factor (VWF) D9D3 domains protects factor VIII (FVIII) from rapid clearance. We performed single-particle electron microscopy (EM) analysis of negatively stained specimens to examine the architecture of D9D3 alone and in complex with FVIII. The D9D3 dimer ([D9D3] 2 ) comprises 2 antiparallel D3 monomers with flexibly attached protrusions of D9. FVIII-VWF association is primarily established between the FVIII C1 domain and the VWF D9 domain, whereas weaker interactions appear to be mediated between both FVIII C domains and the VWF D3 core.
IntroductionThe strong association of plasma factor VIII (FVIII) with circulating von Willebrand factor (VWF) secures FVIII from rapid clearance in the blood. The VWF-FVIII complex forms through a high-affinity interaction between the FVIII light chain and the VWF D9D3 domains.
1Mutations within VWF that abrogate or abolish this high-affinity binding lead to type 2N von Willebrand disease, a condition characterized by reduced plasma levels of FVIII.
2The tertiary structure of mature VWF, particularly at the N-terminal D9D3 domains, regulates the affinity for FVIII. VWF circulates as a multi-subunit protein comprising repeated domains that distinctly facilitate VWF packaging and hemostasis.3 The VWF propeptide (domains D1and D2) catalyzes the multimerization of VWF via intermolecular disulfide bonds at the D3 domain ( Figure 1A). 4 In the absence of propeptide-dependent posttranslational modifications to the D9D3 domains, VWF binds FVIII with reduced affinity.5 Cleavage of the propeptide by furin facilitates FVIII stabilization in the circulation. 6 We and others have previously reported that VWF fragments are sufficient to bind FVIII and that propeptide processing of these VWF fragments enhances the affinity for FVIII.7-9 Several of these VWF fragments were also sufficient to elevate FVIII levels in VWF-deficient mice.
7To further explore the association between VWF and FVIII, we used single-particle negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) to characterize the architecture of dimeric VWF D9D3 domains ([D9D3] 2 ) alone and in complex with FVIII.
Study designProtein expression, purification, and analyses are detailed in supplemental Data available on the Blood Web site. The online version of this article contains a data supplement.
Results and discussionThere is an Inside Blood Commentary on this article in this issue.The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 USC section 1734. , each monomer appears as an ovoid density along the dimer symmetry axis accompanied by a weaker elongated density, which we term the "handle," in the periphery. The dimensions of the handle are ;20Å ...