P and 59 Co NMR have been applied to study the structure and dynamics of the tetrahedral mixed-metal cluster HFeCo 3 (CO) 9 [P(OCH 3 ) 3 ] 3 both in the solid state and in solution. The 31 P chemical shift (CS) anisotropy, the direct (D) and indirect (J) dipolar 31 P-59 Co interactions, and the relative orientation of the CS, D, and J tensors have been determined by iterative fitting of the 31 P MAS NMR spectra at two magnetic field strengths (4.7 and 7.1 T). The quadrupole coupling constant as well as the isotropic part and anisotropy of the CS tensor at the 59 Co nucleus has been evaluated by a moment analysis of the solid-state central transition line shape. The 31 P and 59 Co NMR data, which are both influenced by second-order quadrupolar shifts, clearly show a departure from the C 3V molecular symmetry due to a solid-state packing effect. Using the static interaction parameters obtained by solid-state NMR, it was possible to evaluate the overall rate of molecular motion in solution from 59 Co relaxation measurements. The analysis of the solution-state 31 P NMR saddleshaped spectrum gives the same 1 J( 31 P-59 Co) coupling constant as in the solid state. Moreover, no Q-CS relaxation interference effects are detected in agreement with the very weak contribution of the CS anisotropy to the 59 Co relaxation predicted by the solid-state NMR data.