In a recent paper Davis et al. make the counter intuitive assertion that a galaxy held 'tethered' at a fixed distance from our own could emit blueshifted light. Moreover, this effect may be derived from the simplest Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) spacetimes and the ΩM = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7 case which is believed to be a good late time model of our own universe.In this paper we recover the previous authors' results in a more transparent form. We show how their results rely on a choice of cosmological distance scale and revise the calculations in terms of observable quantities which are coordinate independent. By this method we see that, although such a tethering would reduce the redshift of a receding object, it would not do so sufficiently to cause the proposed blueshift. The effect is also demonstrated to be much smaller than conjectured below the largest intergalactic scales. We also discuss some important issues, raised by this scenario, relating to the interpretation of redshift and distance in relativistic cosmology.