We prove a conjecture of Gromov about non-free isometric immersions.1 Introduction, main result and notations.Let M be a n-dimensional manifold, Imm 1 (M, R q ) the set of C 1 immersions of M into R q , G 0 (M) the bundle of C 0 Riemannian metrics over M and e q the Euclidean metric on R q . Recall that a C 2 map f is free when, with respect to any coordinate system on M and any frame on R q , the n × q matrix D 2 f of the first and second partial derivatives of f has rank n + s n , s n = n(n + 1)/2, at every point. More generally, we call 2-rank of f at x the rank of the matrix D 2 f at x -e.g. a free map has 2-rank n + s n at every point.It is well known (e.g. see [Gro86], Sec. 2.3.1) that the metric inducing operator D M,q : Imm 1 (M, R q ) → G 0 (M), defined by D M,q (f ) = f * e q , is an open map, in the Withney strong topology (throughout the present article we will always use this topology for our functional spaces), over the (open) set of smooth free maps Free ∞ (M, R q ). For example this means that, if