Abstract. We show that the semigroups S k, having semigroup presentations a, b : ab k = b a are residually finite and finitely separable. Generally, these semigroups have finite separating images which are finite groups and other finite separating images which are semigroups of order-increasing transformations on a finite partially ordered set. These semigroups thus have vastly different residual and separability properties than the Baumslag-Solitar groups which contain them.
0:Introduction and NotationLet k and be nonnegative integers. Throughout, we will write S k, for the semigroup having semigroup presentation a, b : ab k = b a . We regard these semigroups as being, in some respects, analogous to the groups G k, having group presentations Gp a, b : ab k = b a . The groups G k, are generally referred to as Baumslag-Solitar groups. Since the Baumslag-Solitar groups have one-relator presentations, it has long been known, by a theorem of Magnus, [15], that they have solvable word problems. The Baumslag-Solitar groups are HNN-extensions over the integers, so brief modern proofs that they have solvable word problems follow from Britton's Lemma. By a theorem of Baumslag and Solitar, [3], many of the Baumslag-Solitar groups are non-hopfian and hence are not residually finite [16]. For a more recent account of Baumslag-Solitar groups, see also [2].When k ≥ 1 and ≥ 1, it is known by a theorem of Adjan, [1, Section II, Theorem 3], that the natural homomorphism from S k, to G k, is an embedding, and hence the presentations given for S k, also have solvable word problems. Moreover, [1, Section II, Theorem 1], a left-cancellation law holds in S k, provided that ≥ 1 and a right-cancellation law holds in S k, provided that k ≥ 1. In Section 1, we will give direct explicit solutions of the word problem for the semigroups S k, (even in the fairly simple cases where k and/or are 0). Later, we will outline an alternate proof of the cancellation laws.When A is a set, regarded as an alphabet of letters, we will use A + to denote the free semigroup of nonempty words on A. The free monoid, A * on A is the set of all words on A, including the empty word. We will write 1 for the empty word.