Bimolecular collision rate constants
of a model solute are measured
in water at T = 259–303 K, a range encompassing
both normal and supercooled water. A stable, spherical nitroxide spin
probe, perdeuterated 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-oxopiperidine-1-oxyl, is
studied using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR),
taking advantage of the fact that the rotational correlation time,
τR, the mean time between successive spin exchanges
within a cage, τRE, and the long-time-averaged spin
exchange rate constants, Kex, of the same
solute molecule may be measured independently. Thus, long- and short-time
translational diffusion behavior may be inferred from Kex and τRE, respectively. In order to
measure Kex, the effects of dipole–dipole
interactions (DD) on the EPR spectra must be separated, yielding as
a bonus the DD broadening rate constants that are related to the dephasing
rate constant due to DD, Wdd. We find
that both Kex and Wdd behave hydrodynamically; that is to say they vary monotonically
with T/η or η/T, respectively,
where η is the shear viscosity, as predicted by the Stokes–Einstein
equation. The same is true of the self-diffusion of water. In contrast,
τRE does not follow hydrodynamic behavior, varying
rather as a linear function of the density reaching a maximum at 276
± 2 K near where water displays a maximum density.