The temperature dependence of the circular dichroism spectra of two adenylyladenosine and three adenylyluridine dinucleotides in aqueous solution have been studied. The effect of methylation of the N-6 position of the adenylyl moieties on the thermodynamic parameters of the stacking equilibrium was investigated applying a two-state model for the thermodynamic analysis of the experimental data. It is shown that the methylated compounds allow a more accurate analysis of the data and that methylation stabilizes the stacking interaction by a relative decrease of the entropy of unstacking.The rather unique vertical base-base stacking interaction exhibited by polynucleotides to form a single helix is understood to be one of the major driving forces in the formation of stable three-dimensional structures of RNA and DNA (e.g. double helices, various internal loops, hairpin loops and so forth). However, before the conformational properties of polymers can be understood in some measure, the stacking interaction must be investigated in the greatest possible detail in simple model compounds. Even if extrapolation of experimental findings in dinucleotides to properties of polynucleotides may prove to be of partial validity, one may be certain that knowledge of the differences in conformational behaviour between dinucleotides, trinucleotides and tetranucleotides will in the long run enable us to build a consistent picture of factors governing the equilibrium between helix and random coil forms in polynucleotides. For these reasons the conformational analysis of dinucleoside phosphates has received much attention during the past two decades. Most of the early papers on this subject concerned studies of the geometry and the thermodynamics of the stacking interaction by means This paper is number XV in a series from this laboratory entitled Nucleic Acid Constituents; the previous paper appeared elsewhere [C.A. G Ahhrevicrtions. CD, circular dichroism; ApU, adenylyl(3'-5')-uridine; ApA, adenylyl(3'-5')adenosine: m6ApU, N6-methyl-adenylyl(3'-5')uridine; m:ApU, N6-dimelhyl-adenosy1y1(3'5')uridine; mpApm:A, N6-dimethyl-adenylyl(3'-5')N6-dimethyl-adenosine.of optical methods viz. ultraviolet spectroscopy, optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism (CD) [l -51. Later, the advent of high-field Fourier-transform nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrumentation allowed the complete assignment and analysis of the spectra of a wide variety of dinucleotides, providing information about the conformational changes in the dinucleotide backbone as a function of temperature [6 -101. From that time the interest for optical measurements receded to the background, presumably because of the lack of reproducibility and precision of the derived energy parameters, strikingly illustrated by the wide spread in published enthalpy values of unstacking (21 -42 kJ/mol) in ApA [ll].In previous studies [ 12 -141 we have already indicated the importance of the application of a combination of experimental techniques, i.e. C D and NMR, in the approach of ...