With the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model involving the effects of solvent polarization and external electric field, we show that a bipolaron maybe more stable than two polarons when a dication is induced into a DNA stack. Under the high electric field, the dication can move quite a long distance through the DNA by a series of hopping process, partially losing its configuration instantaneously due to the nonadiabatic effects. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.064304 PACS number͑s͒: 72.80.Le, 71.38.Ϫk, 87.14.Gg, 87.15.He Long-range charge transport in duplex DNA is of great importance for its relevance to both the blueprint of life 1,2 and the potential applications in molecular electronics. 3,4 It is found experimentally that a radical cation ͑hole͒ introduced into a duplex DNA oligomer in solution can migrate over distance before being trapped by reactions with water and/or molecular oxygen. [5][6][7] To explain the long-range charge transport in DNA, a phonon-assisted polaronlike hopping mechanism was put forward. 8 In that view, the radical cation is stabilized with a distortion of the DNA and its environment ͑water molecules and counterions͒.9 This model is supported by the detailed electrical transport measurements through DNA molecules, 10 in which the conduction is due to the thermal motion of small polarons. Ab initio calculations have also provided clear evidence for the formation of a small polaron involving the change of chemical bonds in each base pair as well as the positions of hydrogen and oxygen.11 With a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger ͑SSH͒ model similar to that used for conjugated polymers, 12,13 Conwell and Rakhmanova have showed that large polarons extended over 5-7 base pairs may exist in DNA.14 They have also found that the time required for polaron formation is of the order of picoseconds. 15 Bishop et al. recently studied the normal modes of polaron solutions to the Peyrard-Bishop-Holstein ͑PBH͒ model for DNA polymers. 16 What will happen when there is more than one charge, such as two cations or a dication, introduced into a duplex DNA oligomer? It has been argued that, as a result of the strong electron-lattice interaction, two polarons on a -conjugated chain coalesce into a bipolaron, which is a pair of like charges with an associated strong local geometry deformation.17 Whether a DNA double strand structure supports a bipolaron or two polarons needs theoretical clarification because it is an essential question directly relevant to experiments and applications.In this paper, we investigate the dication ͑two holes͒ trapping and hopping properties in a DNA molecule. We shall exploit the celebrated SSH model to incorporate the doublechain interaction in order to describe the DNA double strands of Watson-Crick ͑W-C͒ base pairs, G/C, C/G, A/T, and T/A. The SSH model has shown remarkable success in the study of the electronic conductivity and optical phenomena in systems. To include the effects of solvent polarization and external electric field on the DNA charge transfer, we modify the standard SSH model with t...