The XRD analysis was performed on a Rigaku (Tokyo, Japan) Geigerflex D-Max B automated system with a Cu K␣ 1 (1.540562 Å) radiation. Pressed powdered samples were scanned in 4-100°2 ranges. Jade 3.1 software (Materials Data Inc., Livermore, CA) was used to fit and subtract background, to perform a 2 calibration, and to identify peaks.
Scanning Electron MicroscopySamples were carefully mounted on Al studs coated with Au/Pd and analyzed by an AMRAY (Bedford, MA) 1830 SEM system at different magnifications.
Glow Discharge Mass SpectrometryA VG Microtrace Ltd. (Winsford, Cheshire, England) model VG 9000 GDMS was used for the quantitative elemental analysis.
BET Particle Size MeasurementsA Beta Scientific (Albertson, NY) model 4203 BET-particle size analyzer was used for the surface area measurements.The particle size, surface area, morphology, and purity of tantalum pentoxide are critical for some of its applications in the manufacture of several electronic products. Although the purity of different grades of Ta 2 O 5 , such as standard technical grade, carbide grade, and optical grade, have been well documented, there is no report on the morphology and other surface characteristics of Ta 2 O 5 powders. The objective of this paper is to review various methods and recent developments in the processing of tantalum oxide powders. The other objective of this paper is to report on the morphology, particle size, and surface area of tantalum oxide obtained from different methods of preparation. The work reported in this paper will be useful for researchers involved in the development of tantalum-related electronic materials.