Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) techniques that use the distant dipolar field (DDF) to locally refocus inhomogeneous line-broadening promise improved spectral resolution in spatially varying fields. We investigated three possible implementations of localized DDF spectroscopy. Theoretical analysis and phantom experiments at 17.6 T showed that only localization immediately prior to acquisition provides sufficient spatial selectivity and sensitivity for in vivo applications. Spectra from an (8 mm) 3 voxel of the rat brain were acquired in 25 min, and three major metabolites were resolved. In a tumor mouse model, DDF spectra with well-resolved lines can be obtained from significantly larger voxels compared to conventional localized spectroscopy. From an inhomogeneous voxel, improved spectral resolution can be obtained with DDF techniques when a sufficient number of increments are sampled along the second spectral dimension. With fewer increments, measurement time is significantly shortened, and DDF techniques can provide higher signal-to-noise ratio (
Key words: iZQC; HOMOGENIZED; localized spectroscopy; inhomogeneous broadening; resolution enhancementIn vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can be used to resolve spectral patterns to analyze the biochemical composition of tissue. High spectral resolution can be achieved when the magnetic field is extremely homogeneous over the region studied. Such field homogeneity is usually achieved with localized shimming procedures (1,2). If the region of interest (ROI) is strongly structured or includes air/tissue boundaries, homogeneous magnetic fields cannot be obtained and spectral resolution is often poor. One way to avoid inhomogeneous line-broadening caused by small-scale field variations is to use experimental techniques that exploit the effect of the distant dipolar field (DDF) originating from the sample magnetization (3-6). The homogeneity enhancement by intermolecular zeroquantum echo detection (HOMOGENIZED) experiment has been shown to produce narrow line shapes even under temporarily unstable magnetic fields (7), linear inhomogeneities across the sample volume (3-5), and field distortions in living organisms (8,9). Efficient water suppression (WS) and localization of the acquired signal are essential for in vivo applications. While different combinations of WS modules have been described and compared (5,10), the inherently low sensitivity of these methods has hampered the development of localization techniques in vivo (11).In this study we investigate three possible ways to combine localization with the HOMOGENIZED experiment, and demonstrate that high-quality spectra can be obtained in vivo.
Theory of the HOMOGENIZED ExperimentThe HOMOGENIZED pulse sequence is a 2D NMR experiment derived from correlation spectroscopy (COSY) (3,12):The values in brackets indicate the flip angle of RF pulses with pulse phase given in subscript; t 1 is the incremented delay, CG is the correlation magnetic field gradient, and t 2 the acquisition period. The acquire...