It is proved that fractional exponential hereditary kernels of nonlinear viscoelasticity can be used to evaluate creep strains and stress relaxation. A nonlinear theory of viscoelasticity with time-independent nonlinearity described as a nonlinear curve of instantaneous elastoplastic deformation is used. The calculated results are validated against experimental data on the viscoelastic deformation of laminated and unidirectional fibrous composites and their components under the conditions of constant stresses, complete unloading, incremental loading, pure torsion, and constant strains Keywords: nonlinear theory of viscoelasticity, fractional exponential kernels, kernel parameters, time-independent nonlinearity, creep strains, stress relaxationIntroduction. Resolvent integral operators [5,7] are one of the efficient methods to describe the rheological properties of materials in the linear and nonlinear theory of viscoelasticity. The kernels of these operators must meet certain requirements, including accurate description of the relationship among stresses, strains, and time within a given time interval, applicability to a wide range of viscoelastic materials, convenient use in solving boundary-value problems, effective extrapolation of rheological characteristics. Moreover, the kernel function should ensure accurate mathematical treatment of experimental data in determining the kernel parameters. The resulting parameters should be invariant under any loading and deformation sequences in a stationary thermal field.Rabotnov's fractional exponential function [6] is very promising as a kernel of integral operators. This function is weakly singular and meets almost all requirements to hereditary kernels. Fractional exponential functions make the Volterra principle highly effective in solving problems of viscoelasticity.The potential of fractional exponential hereditary kernels has been fully realized in the linear theory of viscoelasticity. Some relevant results are reported in [4,7,11] and reflect a method of determining the parameters of fractional exponential hereditary kernels and solving problems of viscoelasticity for polymers and composites under static and cyclic tension and compression.The application of fractional exponential hereditary kernels in the nonlinear theory of viscoelasticity has been studied inadequately. Primary attention was given to the determination of the parameters of fractional exponential creep and relaxation kernels within the framework of Rabotnov's nonlinear model [7][8][9]12].In the present paper, we will justify the use of fractional exponential hereditary kernels by determining creep strains and stress relaxation in the nonlinear theory of viscoelasticity.1. Problem Formulation. Subject of Analysis. Let us consider a hereditary theory of nonlinear viscoelasticity with time-independent nonlinearity. The one-dimensional constitutive equations of the theory are dual integral equations: