Rigid bodies, plastic impact, persistent contact, Coulomb friction, and massless limbs are ubiquitous simplifications introduced to reduce the complexity of mechanics models despite the obvious physical inaccuracies that each incurs individually. In concert, it is well known that the interaction of such idealized approximations can lead to conflicting and even paradoxical results. As robotics modeling moves from the consideration of isolated behaviors to the analysis of tasks requiring their composition, a mathematically tractable framework for building models that combine these simple approximations yet achieve reliable results is overdue. In this paper we present a formal hybrid dynamical system model that introduces suitably restricted compositions of these familiar abstractions with the guarantee of consistency analogous to global existence and uniqueness in classical dynamical systems. The hybrid system developed here provides a discontinuous but self-consistent approximation to the continuous (though possibly very stiff and fast) dynamics of a physical robot undergoing intermittent impacts. The modeling choices sacrifice some quantitative numerical efficiencies while maintaining qualitatively correct and analytically tractable results with consistency guarantees promoting their use in formal reasoning about mechanism, feedback control, and behavior design in robots that make and break contact with their environment. 1 Here, consistent refers to a combination of properties detailed in Section 3.4 analogous to the guarantee of global existence and uniqueness of solutions for a classical dynamical system. 2 Wolfram Mathematica 9, Numerical integration uses the NDSolve command, event detection uses the WhenEvent command. http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/ 4 An execution of a hybrid dynamical system exhibits the Zeno phenomena if it undergoes an infinite number of discrete or logical switches in finite time (Definition 6). 5 E.g. using the algorithm proposed in Burden, Gonzalez, Vasudevan, Bajcsy and Sastry (2015) for hybrid control systems.3 phenomena (Drumwright 2010) as well as apparent contradictions between frictional forces and impulses discussed in Section 1.2.5) seems to come at the cost of persistence of contact. In contrast, here, persistence is one of the key simplifying modeling assumptions, expressing our intuitive experience of limbs interacting with the world, enabling some of the other assumptions, and affording our strong formal results. Despite being targeted at a different numerical integration scheme, many of the results in this paper, such as the consistent handling of massless limbs, are potentially applicable to time-stepping schemes.
Hybrid Dynamical SystemsThis paper models manipulation and self-manipulation systems using a hybrid systems paradigm that assumes instantaneous transitions. Though we develop our (so-called) self-manipulation hybrid dynamical system for a similar class of mechanical systems as that considered in (van der Schaft and Schumacher 1998, Ex. 3.3), we specialize fr...