The paper presents the tasks, methods and results of comprehensive research in geoinformatics and in development of raw material base of the mining and metallurgical complex that are conducted at the Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main objectives of the research include evaluation of methods of information and analytical support for the use of subsurface resources, means and methods of multi-tier processing of geodata, digital modeling of geo-objects and complex geomonitoring; substantiation of methods of complex geomonitoring that ensure the integrated development of subsurface resources of the Earth with a safe level of anthropogenic impact on the geo-environment; development of methods of information and analytical support for subsurface resources to solve the challenges of integrated development of mineral raw materials. As the result, criteria for assessing the protection of mining territories are justified; the intensity of the self-restoration process of areas disturbed by mining operations is estimated; a methodical approach to the accumulation and processing of geodynamic and geoinformation monitoring data from mining territories in mutual geospatial correlation is proposed; a systematization of factors, objects and types of risks in subsoil use that generate negative effect. This approach helps to justify the range of geodata required to assess the probability of a specific type of risk.