Homogeneous metallic waveguides have long been used to carry high powers. They are often filled with inhomogeneous, isotropic dielectrics to reduce their size and cut-off frequencies. To characterize these inhomogeneous rectangular waveguides made of homogeneous and isotropic media, the Newton-Raphson method is used in this article. Frequency of cutoff, attenuation, and power flow distribution are all properties of the EM wave that are highly dependent on the physical structure and composition within the guide. This article presents the characterization of an inhomogeneous and isotropic rectangular guide. The analysis of this type of guide is based on the Borgnis potential method for determining the components of the electric field E and the magnetic field H, to obtain the guide's dispersion equations. The modes that were found to exist in these waveguides are hybrid, meaning that they have both axial E- and H-fields. Numerical resolution of these equations using the Newton-Raphson method obtains the guide's propagation constants. A MATLAB program is used to plot these dispersion curves. The propagation constant increases as a function of frequency, and the d/a ratio influences the dispersion curves. Increasing the relative permittivity of the dielectric leads to an increase in the ratio of the propagation constant in the z direction to the wave number.