C athode materials for lithium ion batteries which exhibit solid solution properties over a wide lithium compositional range have been sought after for decades. Solid solution behavior is exhibited in several oxide-based positive electrode materials, Li 1−x MO 2 , where it is typically attributed to delocalized and/or weakly correlated ion and electron transport, coupled with a small volume difference between the redox end members. 1,2 Its existence implies an absence of any phase boundary impediment during redox cycling and is associated with good carrier mobility. The existence of a single phase extraction/insertion mechanism allows for additional practical benefits. Chiefly, the resultant sloping voltage curve permits facile monitoring of the state of charge of the battery, as compared with materials which exhibit two-phase behavior and display a constant voltage over a range of compositions: classic examples of these are members of the lithium metal polyanion family such as LiFePO 4 , which has a flat voltage profile near 3.5 V vs Li/Li + . 3,4 With the advent of LiFePO 4 , polyanionic materials have been a major focus of research for reasons of high safety, low cost, and environmental impact. Other positive electrode materials under study include fluorophosphates such as LiFePO 4 F, 5,6 LiVPO 4 F, 7 and Na 2 FePO 4 F. 8 More recently, sulfates such as LiFeSO 4 F 9,10 and FeSO 4 (OH) 11 have emerged.While Na 2 FePO 4 F/Li exhibits solid-solution behavior as a result of Na/Li cation disorder, 12 it is something of an exception. Solid solutions previously reported for polyanionic lithium ion battery systems have mostly been limited to aliovalent cation substitution generated in situ via redox transitions. These include substitution of Mn 2+ in Li(Fe,Mn)-PO 4 in a disordered state which is maintained during the Fe 2+/3+ phase transition in LiFePO 4 and gives rise to apparent solid solution behavior on the lower voltage plateau in the electrochemical profile. 13 Aliovalent cation distributions have been demonstrated to drive solution solution behavior in Li 3−x V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 where cation valent disorder dominates on discharge: in contrast, that same valence order on charge drives single phase behavior. 14 Solid solutions have also been observed in elevated temperature regimes of Li 1−x FePO 4 , characterized by coalescence of the two end-members and rapid electronhopping. 15 Particle size effects have also been suggested to induce solid solution behavior. In LiFePO 4 , particles less than 100 nm in diameter were shown to have a smaller miscibility gap than bulk particles. 4,16 These findings have prompted us to explore the next generation of cathode materials that might exhibit more attractive features with fewer inherent limitations. In the search for structural frameworks that overcome the 1-D ion conductivity challenge of olivine, 17 we explored the tavorite family of compounds: LiMPO 4 (OH) x F 1−x (M = V, Mn, Fe, Al). It has been shown previously that anionic solid solutions LiAlPO 4 (OH) x F 1−x , which sp...