This study was under taken to elucidate the effect of genotypes and media compositions on callus induction from mature rice seeds. Three different callus induction media, designated as A (N6 mineral salts + N6 vitamins, 2 mg/l each + myoinositol, 100 mg/l + 2,4-D, 2.5 mg/l + kinetin, 0.5mg/l + AgNO 3 , 10 mg/l + maltose, 50 gm/l); B (MS organic salts + N6 mineral salts + NAA, 4 mg/l + kinetin, 2 mg/l + AgNO 3 , 5mg/l and sucrose, 60 gm/l); and C (B media without AgNO 3 ), and six rice genotypes viz. Jumlimarshi, Tilki, Jethobudo, Manshara, Masuli and Pahenle were evaluated. The modified N6 medium supplemented with 2, 4-D, 2.5 mg/l and AgNO 3 , 10 mg/l exhibited better performance in callus induction. Among genotypes, callus induction frequency was higher (100%) in Masuli, Tilki and Jumlimarshi regardless of media tested. The positive effect of AgNO 3 was only observed in medium A for quality callus induction and subsequent plant regeneration. The genotype Tilki performed better regarding plant regeneration (27.77%). Therefore, it is suggested that application of medium A is advantageous to accomplish overall efficiency of callus induction and plant regeneration from seeds of various rice genotypes.