ABSTRACT. Changes in the somal growth and dendritic patterns of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) were studied in early chick embryos and post-hatching chicks by means of the retrograde axonal transport labeling with DiI. Branching patterns of the dendrites were relatively uniform on E8 (embryonic day 8) and became more complicated on E11. Variety of the branching pattern became plainly abundant after E14. On the other hand, somata of RGCs continued to grow until E14, corresponding the appearance of the central-peripheral gradient of the somal size. After E14, RGCs elaborated on the formation of the dendritic patterns as found in chick retina, and simultaneously the growth of somal sizes almost ceased. KEY WORDS: chick embryo, differentiation, retinal ganglion cell.J. Vet. Med. Sci. 65(10): 1135-1137, 2003 On the basis of several morphological features such as the size and shape of soma, dendritic branching pattern, stratification of dendrites, axon caliber, and central projections, the classification of the mature retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) was attempted in the various vertebrates, mammals [1,2,6,12,13,16], birds [4,11,17], reptiles [9], amphibians [14], and fish [7]. However, little is known about when and how the RGCs achieved their characteristic features during development. We reported that the cell number increased by addition of newly born RGCs in the peripheral area until E14 [5,6], although preferential cell death occurred in the peripheral retina simultaneously [8,15]. In this paper, therefore, we report the relation between a growing rate of somal sizes and changes of dendritic patterns of chick RGCs to investigate the developmental factors for the classification of RGCs.White Leghorn chick embryos E8 (8 days of incubation), E11, E14, E17 and chicks P1 (post-hatching day 1) were perfused with 1% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4, 4°C) under deep anesthesia (pentobarbital sodium, 45 µg/g BW) [4]. Eyeballs attached to the optic nerve were dissected out from the orbit by cutting the optic nerve close to the optic chiasm. Small crystals of carbocyanine dye, DiI (1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate; Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) were implanted in the caudal cut-surface of the optic nerve. After incubation in the same perfusion solution (pH 7.4, 37°C) for 3-6 weeks, the retinas were examined under the fluorescence microscope (excitation filter 540 nm, absorption filter 590 nm, Olympus). Ten to fifteen small retinal areas (22.8 µm 2 ) were sampled from the presumptive central area of retina (pCA, see Chen and Naito [5]) and the peripheral retina for measurement of somal sizes in the ganglion cell layer (GCL). Images of RGCs were recorded on high-sensitive film (Tmax ISO 3200, Kodak) using an × 20 or × 40 objective, and the photomicrograph images were magnified at × 5 using a image-enlarger. Outlines of the cells were traced on white paper. The image data were inputted to an image analysis system (Luzex III, Nireco Co., Tokyo, Japan) via TV camera, and were repor...