Commercial deployment of clonal trees via somatic embryogenesis (SE) could increase forest productivity over conventional tree breeding techniques. However, some technical advances need to be made to use SE in clonal forestry with Pinus radiata. For example, the conversion of embryonal mass (EM) into plants is at present a major bottleneck. For this reason, maturation experiments were carried out to determine the effect of the initial amount of EM, activated charcoal (AC) and the best combination of abscisic acid (ABA), sucrose and amino acid concentration in the maturation medium. Germination was evaluated on different media formulations with and without AC. When 100 mg of EM were suspended in liquid medium without AC, cotyledonary somatic embryos were obtained in all the maturation media tested. Maturation medium supplemented with 60 lM ABA, 6% sucrose, and embryo development medium amino acid mixture produced the highest number of cotyledonary somatic embryos, between 10 and 1,550 embryos per gram of EM fresh weight. Approximately half of the tested 25 lines produced more than 600 embryos per gFW. Embryo development was the best when somatic embryos were germinated in half strength modified Quoirin and Lepoivre medium supplemented with 2 g L -1 AC. This protocol simplified and improved SE maturation and germination due to the elimination of subcultures, the large number of somatic embryos obtained from a very low amount of EM, and the elimination of pre-germination treatments, resulting in a significant saving of cost and labor.