Thyroid carcinoma is the first symptom in some patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). We evaluated the cellular localization of β β β β-catenin in thyroid carcinomas associated (n = = = =4)or not associated (n = Thyroid carcinoma occurs much more frequently in young female patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) than in matched controls.=1, 2) The relative risk for thyroid carcinoma in FAP women under 35 years of age is 160 times normal, and more importantly, 30% of thyroid carcinomas are diagnosed 4-12 years before the development of polyposis.2) Germline mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC) is responsible for the FAP. APC protein controls the nuclear accumulation of β-catenin, a transcriptional activator regulated by the Wnt signaling pathway, by a combination of nuclear export and cytoplasmic degradation.3, 4) The latter function of APC is lost by the mutation and/or deletion of APC in both alleles in the colon carcinomas of FAP patients, and this results in the nuclear accumulation of β-catenin.5) Then, it interacts with Tcf-4, the Lef/TCf transcription factor, leading to activation of several developmentally related genes, such as c-myc, and subsequent cell proliferation. To test the possibility that the abnormality of the APC/β-catenin pathway is also involved in FAP-associated thyroid carcinoma, we immunohistochemically evaluated β-catenin in FAP-associated thyroid carcinoma as well as sporadic thyroid carcinomas. If β-catenin-accumulation is specific to FAP in thyroid carcinomas, it can be a hallmark to identify occult FAP in young patients with thyroid carcinoma.Four FAP patients with thyroid carcinoma were enrolled in this study. Three were sisters and the other was a daughter of one of them. The thyroid carcinoma was the first symptom of the proband at age 16, five years before the diagnosis of FAP with a rectal carcinoma. Thyroid carcinomas were detected at the age of 12 in the case of her sister, and at 13 in her daughter. The clinical course of the sisters has been previously reported, and germline APC mutation was found at codon 848 (AAA to TAA, stop). 6) In the case of the fourth patient, who had no relation to the three patients described above, multiple colon carcinomas and multiple thyroid carcinomas were diagnosed simultaneously (Fig. 1A). The clinical course of this 26-year-old woman has also been reported previously.7) Germline APC mutation was detected at codon 175 (ACT to AT, C deletion), resulting in truncation at codon 184. A somatic mutation was also demonstrated at codon 886 (CAG to TAG, stop) in one of the thyroid carcinomas.As for the sporadic thyroid carcinomas, two series were evaluated: the first series was papillary thyroid carcinomas which had been consecutively resected at the Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School (n=140, age 17-83 years old), including 11 cases younger than 30 years of age. The second series consisted of thyroid carcinomas of patients aged less than 30, treated at Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital. Twenty-seve...