“…Diarrhoea was also reported in two recent case reports [110,111]. Although the precise mechanism of diarrhoea in somatostatinoma is unknown, high circulating levels of soma tostatin have been shown to cause a reduction of the small intestinal absorption of water, electrolytes, glucose and amino acids, and ste atorrhoea appears to be due to impaired exo crine secretion of the pancreas [19,34,112], Although somatostatin powerfully inhibits the release of many hormones and also the action of many hormones it appears that there is a considerable potential for 'escape' from the chronically elevated levels found in soma tostatinoma [32], Thus early diagnosis of somatostinoma is difficult and diagnosis is usually made late in their clinical courses. The triad of dyspepsia, diabetes mellitus and cho lelithiasis should arouse suspicion [107], A high circulating level of plasma somatostatin is present in most cases [107], In some cases provocative tests like calcium-pentagastrin and tolbutamide test are required for docu mentation of enhanced release of somatosta tin from the tumour [113,114], Like other pancreatic tumours, ultrasonography, com puterized axial tomography, angiography, percutaneous transhepatic portal or pancreat ic venous sampling for somatostatin estima tion may be required for localization of the tumour [107], At present there is insufficient experience to recommend an optimal method of treatment.…”