Objectives: To identify corticobulbar tract changes that may predict chronic dysarthria in young people who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in childhood using diffusion MRI tractography.
Methods:We collected diffusion-weighted MRI data from 49 participants. We compared 17 young people (mean age 17 years, 10 months; on average 8 years postinjury) with chronic dysarthria who sustained a TBI in childhood (range 3-16 years) with 2 control groups matched for age and sex: 1 group of young people who sustained a traumatic injury but had no subsequent dysarthria (n 5 15), and 1 group of typically developing individuals (n 5 17). We performed tractography from spherical seed regions within the precentral gyrus white matter to track: 1) the hand-related corticospinal tract; 2) the dorsal corticobulbar tract, thought to correspond to the lips/larynx motor representation; and 3) the ventral corticobulbar tract, corresponding to the tongue representation.Results: Despite widespread white matter damage, radial (perpendicular) diffusivity within the left dorsal corticobulbar tract was the best predictor of the presence of dysarthria after TBI. Diffusion metrics in this tract also predicted speech and oromotor performance across the whole group of TBI participants, with additional significant contributions from ventral speech tract volume in the right hemisphere.Conclusion: An intact left dorsal corticobulbar tract seems crucial to the normal execution of speech long term after acquired injury. Examining the speech-related motor pathways using diffusion-weighted MRI tractography offers a promising prognostic tool for people with acquired, developmental, or degenerative neurologic conditions likely to affect speech. Recent advances in diffusion-weighted MRI analyses now allow the in vivo reconstruction of white matter pathways in the human brain using tractography.1 Although speech is vulnerable to numerous neurologic conditions, the association between speech disorders and integrity of the corticobulbar tracts is rarely examined. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability in children 2,3 and can have devastating consequences on a wide range of cognitive domains. 4 Focal as well as diffuse brain changes have been observed after TBI, including long-term white matter alterations 5,6 that can be now be revealed using diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI).7-11 Among children with moderate and severe TBI, approximately 20% may have chronic dysarthria, 12 which can affect speech across articulation, respiration, phonation, prosody, and resonance. Given the potential for functional reorganization seen in the immature brain, 6,13,14 studies in the chronic stage are crucial to unravel the neural basis of those deficits that do persist long term after TBI in childhood. Because a recent review indicated that damage along the corticobulbar/corticospinal tracts was a common feature in children with dysarthria, 15 we used tractography to test the