SUMMARY1. The discharge patterns of ankle flex.or, tibialis anterior (TA), y-motoneurones were recorded during locomotion in the decerebrate cat.2. At rest y-efferents had no background discharge. During locomotion two patterns of y activity could be distinguished. Most units (16) were phasically recruited with homonymous electroneurogram (ENG) activity, while the remainder (5) were tonically active throughout the step cycle.3. The modulation of phasic units was greater (P < 001) than tonic neurones. Phasic units had lower (P < 0-02) mean, but higher (P < 0-01) peak, rates during the step cycle.4. The discharge rate of both types of efferent increased around the onset of ENG activity and peaked during ENG activity, or shortly after its cessation. The conduction velocities of phasic and tonic units overlapped widely.5. It is proposed, on the basis of muscle spindle afferent recordings during locomotion, that TA phasic and tonic units correspond to static and dynamic ymotoneurones, respectively. This correspondence is functionally advantageous for the role of ankle flexor muscles during locomotion. Thus phasic static y discharge during flexion would aid muscle contraction via increased I a afferent activity, while tonic dynamic y firing would enhance I a afferent stretch sensitivity throughout the step cycle. Such enhancement during flexion would oppose unexpected muscle lengthening while, during extension, it would contribute to reciprocal inhibition of ankle extensor muscles.6. The results are discussed in relation to strategies of y usage during rhythmic movements. It is postulated that, for such behaviour, muscle contraction is accompanied by coactivity in static and dynamic y-motoneurones. A functional rationale is suggested for this strategy.