The in vitro turtle brainstem-cerebellum preparation has been a valuable tool in the study of central motor programs. In the present study, we investigate the anatomical organization of the turtle rubrocerebellar limb premotor network and its sensory connections in vitro by combining the rapid anterograde and retrograde transport of neurobiotin and biocytin with the extended viability of the isolated turtle brainstem-cerebellum. These compounds retrogradely labeled soma, dendrites, and axons, and orthogradely labeled axons and, to a lesser extent, terminals. The chelonian red nucleus receives a dense input from the contralateral lateral cerebellar nucleus and projects heavily to the contralateral spinal cord. Rubral axons sparsely innervate the lateral cerebellar nucleus and project heavily to the lateral reticular nucleus. Lateral reticular axons heavily innervate the lateral cerebellar nucleus before terminating in the pars lateralis of the cerebellar cortex as mossy fibers. These prominent, recurrent loops among the lateral cerebellar nucleus, red nucleus, and lateral reticular nucleus constitute the turtle rubrocerebellar limb premotor network. Sensory inputs to the red nucleus originate in the contralateral dorsal column nuclei, the principal trigeminal nucleus, and the spinothalamic system. These sites project bilaterally to the lateral reticular nucleus. The lateral cerebellar nucleus receives a contralateral input from the dorsal column nuclei. The red nucleus projects sparsely to the dorsal column nuclei. The red nucleus also receives an ipsilateral descending projection from the suprapeduncular nucleus, located in the diencephalon, and an ascending input from the rostral rhombencephalic reticular formation. An ipsilateral descending pathway originating in the red nucleus is likely to be the rubro-olivary tract.