56) Thmrman, M. J.; Hennaut-Roland, M. J. Chhn. phys. Phys.-CMm. Bid. 1932, 29, 564. (57) m g , V.; Cargyle, M. A.; Conrese. L.; Eloy, D. J. phys. Chem. 1954, 58, 1054. (58) V m , A. I.The preparallon of the methyl esters of elght dlhdonlcotbdc acids I8 dewbed. The esters were qnthoskd either by the mothandydr ol their rHpectlve acM chbrkkt or by treatment of the approprlate acld wlth d l a z d h a n e In ether. Expwbnental and spectral data for the methyl dlhelonicottnatcn are pre8ented.We have previously reported the synthesis of a series of 2,5 and 5,6dlhalonicotinic acids of potential medicinal interest ( 7-5). As an extension of that work, we now wish to report the preparation and characterization of the methyl esters (I-VIII) of eight of the aforementioned acids."aR2 R 1 R1 RZ R3