The existence and character of the relationship between a patient and provider are probably key variables determining the performance of the medical care system. Prior analyses of this relationship have addressed it as three largely distinct areas: the patient having a usual source, a personal physician, or a central source; the concept of managing physician, primary physician or gatekeeper; and,-the patientphysician interpersonal or therapeutic relationship.If the relationship between provider and patient is important, then there is a need to answer the questions: Are there factors that influence the existence or strength of the relationship and, if so, what are they? How do the existence and strength of the relationship influence choice of source, use, quality, compliance, efficiency, and satisfaction? Will the addition of a measure (or measures) of the existence and characteristics of the patient-provider relationship improve our ability to explain the functioning of the health 'care system? How can the relationship between patient and system or provider be characterized in ways useful for research and policy analysis? This article has four major objectives: to establish the importance of usual source (personal physician or managing physician) to health at UQ Library on June 18, 2015 Downloaded from