Abstract. We consider algebraic relations between explicitly presented analytic functions with particular emphasis on Tarski's high school algebra problem.The part not related directly to Tarski's high school algebra problem. Let U be a connected complex-analytic manifold. Denote by ¿?(U) the minimal field containing all functions meromorphic on U and closed under exponentiation / h-ef. Let fj € &~(U),pj e J(U) -{0} for 1 < j < m, and gk 6 &(U), qk £Jt(U)-{0} for 1 < k < n (where Ji(U) is the field of functions meromorphic on 11). Let f¡ -f¡ $ ß?(U) for i ^ j and gk -g¡ £ ßf(U) (i) We describe the algebraic structure of A and 5C , where A = {t e L\ if u Î v occurs as a subterm of / then either « is a variable or u contains no variables at all} , and £? = {t e L\ if u î v occurs as a subterm of t then u 6 A} . Of these, A is a free semiring with respect to addition and multiplication but JS" is free only as a semigroup with respect to addition. A function i £ S is called +-prime in 5 if 7 / u~ + v for all u, v e S and is called multiplicatively prime in 5 if 7 = m • v => « = 1 or v = 1 for u, v € S . A function is called (+ , -J-prime in S if it is both +-prime and multiplicatively prime in S . A function in A is said to have content 1 if it is not divisible by constants in N -{1} or by / 1 (+ , ^-primes of A . The product of functions of content 1 has content 1 . Let P be the multiplicative subsemigroup of A of functions of content 1 . Then J' as a semiring is isomorphic to the semigroup semiring A(®fPf), where each Pf is a copy of P and / ranges over the ^ 1 +-primes of Sf .Received by the editors February 1, 1987 and, in revised form, April 11, 1989 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 30B40, 32D15, 03C99, 08B99; Secondary 30D35. ""Jf" refers to "meromorphic". In particular, Jf^ = {the germs meromorphic at Q = the field of quotients of the ring ßfy, and JfiU) = { meromorphic functions on U} . Note that a meromorphic function on U is a section over U of the sheaf Jf of the quotient fields of the sheaf of rings X, i.e., is a quotient of holomorphic functions in a neighborhood of every point, and is not necessarily a quotient of holomorphic functions on U.
PrefaceOur involvement with this topic began in 1981 when Gregory E. Mints attracted our attention to "Tarski's high school algebra problem". Tarski's quantifier elimination for real-closed fields nowadays is used both in pure mathematics, e.g., in semialgebraic geometry and in ordinary differential equations, (for the latter see [3, §37]), and outside it, e.g., in robotics (see [32] and references there). But Alfred Tarski was interested also in the theory of the reals equipped with a transcendental operation. The most common transcendental operations are the trigonometric ones and exponentiation. The trigonometric operations present an unpleasant perspective for a logician: they permit one to define Z c R by a first-order formula and consequently they prevent decidability of the corresponding elementary theories and allow one to d...