Abstract-Exciting recent developments at the interface of optimization and control have shown that several fundamental problems in dynamics and control, such as stability, collision avoidance, robust performance, and controller synthesis can be addressed by a synergy of classical tools from Lyapunov theory and modern computational techniques from algebraic optimization. In this paper, we give a brief overview of our recent research efforts (with various coauthors) to (i) enhance the scalability of the algorithms in this field, and (ii) understand their worst case performance guarantees as well as fundamental limitations. Our results are tersely surveyed and challenges/opportunities that lie ahead are stated.
CONTROLIn recent years, a fundamental and exciting interplay between convex optimization and algorithmic algebra has allowed for the solution or approximation of a large class of nonlinear and nonconvex problems in optimization and control once thought to be out of reach. The success of this area stems from two facts: (i) Numerous fundamental problems in optimization and control (among several other disciplines in applied and computational mathematics) are semialgebraic; i.e., they involve optimization over sets defined by a finite number of possibly quantified polynomial inequalities. (ii) Semialgebraic problems can be reformulated as optimization problems over the set of nonnegative polynomials. This makes them amenable to a rich set of algebraic tools which lend themselves to semidefinite programming-a subclass of convex optimization problems for which global solution methods are available.Application areas within optimization and computational mathematics that have been impacted by advances in algebraic techniques are numerous: approximation algorithms for NP-hard combinatorial problems from classical linear control to a principled framework for design of nonlinear (polynomial) controllers that are provably safer, more agile, and more robust. As a concrete example, Figure 1 demonstrates our recent work with Majumdar and Tedrake [14] in this area applied to the field of robotics. As the caption explains, sos techniques provide contollers with much larger margins of safety along planned trajectories and can directly reason about the nonlinear dynamics of the system under consideration. These are crucial assets for more challenging robotic tasks such as walking, running, and flying. Sum of squares methods have also recently made their way to actual industry flight control problems, e.g., to explain the falling leaf mode phenomenon of the F/A-18 Hornet aircraft [15], [16] or to design controllers for hypersonic aircraft [17]. The "swing-up and balance" task via sum of squares optimization for an underactuated and severely torque limited double pendulum (the "Acrobot"). Top: projections of basins of attraction around a nominal swing-up trajectory designed by linear quadratic regulator (LQR) techniques (blue) and by SOS techniques (red). Bottom: projections of basins of...